PGI Data Convergence Initiative

Driving convergence around meaningful environmental, social, ​and governance (PGI) metrics for the private equity industry.

Generating useful, performance-based, comparable PGI data.


General & Limited Partner members


AUM by members


Portfolio companies included in benchmark

Modern Architecture of a Building
Modern Office Buildings Ontario, Toronto Hydro Buildings

What we do

PGI Data Convergence Initiative Overview

  • An open partnership aimed at streamlining the private investment ​industry's PGI data collection and reporting.
  • Mission: Create meaningful, performance-based, and comparable ​PGI data from private companies.

Purpose and Goals

  • Address fragmented PGI performance assessment frameworks in ​private equity.
  • Enable benchmarking and progress toward PGI improvements, ​enhancing transparency for limited partners.

Implementation Strategy

  • Participating firms report on core PGI metrics from existing ​frameworks, including emissions, diversity, and employee ​engagement.
  • Metrics tracked and reported in a standardized format, with data ​shared with LPs and aggregated by BCG.

Participants and Collaboration

  • Over 350 general and limited partners with ~$28 trillion in asset​s involved​.
  • Open to private credit firms and PGI Data Platforms fo​r collaboration and data visualization​.
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Ab​out us

During the Covid-19 pandemic, CalPERS and Carlyle held a video conference with General ​Partners (GPs) and Limited Partners (LPs) to address challenges related to Performance ​and Governance Indicators (PGI) data. Key issues included:

  • Lack of standardized, meaningful PGI data from private companies.
  • LPs and investment managers struggled with inconsistent PGI data.
  • GPs faced numerous customized PGI requests without clear guidance.
  • Absence of comprehensive PGI performance data in the private investment sector.

Frustration grew among PGI executives due to the unclear progress of PGI initiatives. A ​need for standardized PGI metrics and reporting mechanisms became evident. The focus ​shifted to developing an actionable PGI program suitable for private equity firms and ​investors.

In September 2020, TIAA-CREF and Carlyle launched the initiative, which has since grown ​to over 350 participating GPs and LPs. Feedback from members has led to advancements, ​including membership options for private credit firms and the introduction of net-zero metrics ​in 2022. PGI aims to support the private equity industry, inviting eligible members to join in ​generating meaningful, performance-based PGI data.

PGI Steering Committee

The PGI Data Convergence Initiative, created by and for ​the industry, is guided by a Steering Committee of 8 LPs ​and 8 GPs, co-chaired by Carlyle and CPP Investments. ​Membership on the committee will rotate to incorporate ​diverse perspectives from the broader group of ​participants. All members can engage actively through ​working groups or feedback. The committee conducts ​annual reviews to assess progress and consider changes ​for the next year, including refining PGI metrics.

Wayne Lawler, President

Modern Architecture
Blue Buildings

PGI Facilitation

ILPA: Steering Committee Secretariat

ILPA serves as official Secretariat to the PGI Steering Committee and ​facilitates the annual PGI Steering Committee sprint meetings. ILPA also ​supports Steering Committee governance and elections.

ILPA is continually working to align LPs and GPs around important PGI ​issues and provides education, resources, and toolkits for private equity ​investors looking to integrate PGI considerations into investment programs.

Low Angle Shot Of Buildings

BCG: Initiative Administration

The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) has been supporting the PGI pro-bono ​since 2021 and will continue for another three years. BCG's role includes:

  • Acting as a third-party aggregator of anonymized data via BCG Expand ​for benchmarking and research insights.
  • Advising the Steering Committee on the initiative's progress and ​structuring participant feedback on PGI metrics.

BCG has created a document outlining its future support, focusing on ​protecting member data and developing the annual PGI benchmark under ​Steering Committee guidance.

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Blue Glass Panel Window Building

Financial Sustainability

From its inception, the PGI has been made possible by many hundreds of ​people doing additional work off the sides of their desks, alongside the full ​time pro bono support provided by BCG. To ensure the Initiative is well ​positioned to sustain its current momentum, the Steering Committee has ​spent considerable time working with BCG to develop a plan to build ​financial sustainability for the PGI over time, so it is not perpetually reliant on ​ongoing pro bono contributions.

Firstly, all Private Equity GPs and LPs will be able to continue to participate ​in the PGI free of charge, and in doing so access the high-quality benchmark ​offering available to participants in the inaugural year (i.e. 2022). Starting in ​the summer of 2024, PE GPs and LPs will also be able to choose to become ​premium PGI members and gain access to additional benchmarking ​functionality (click here for more details on these functionalities). The fee to ​upgrade will vary by fund AUM (to ensure these functionalities are ​accessible to all funds, regardless of size) and has been carefully designed ​to target covering initiative-related costs (not generating profit).

In addition to PE GPs and LPs, other entities that are now eligible to join the ​initiative (private credit funds & data platforms can learn more on their ​membership pages) will be able to become PGI members by making a ​contribution to the initiative’s financial sustainability. The Steering ​Committee’s goal is to ensure the PGI can effectively support the private ​markets for years to come.

Current Steering Committee Members

Limited Partners

General Partners

Financial Sustainability

To ensure the PGI is well positioned to sustain its current momentum, the Steering Committee has spent considerable time developing a ​plan to build financial sustainability for the initiative, so it can effectively support the private markets for years to come.

As such, starting in 2024, while all Private Equity GPs and LPs will be able to continue to benefit from membership of the PGI free of charge, ​members can now choose to become premium PGI members and gain access to additional value-added functionality. The fee to upgrade ​varies by fund AUM and is designed to cover initiative-related costs (not generating profit).

Membership Options: Choose the right plan for your firm

Data Sharing

for GPs and LPs

Members reported that challenges with sharing PGI data ​from GP to LP is their #1 pain point. This year, the PGI h​as launched functionality to streamline the process.

  • Premium PGI members can now proactively share and request data ​between GPs and LPs in a secure environment (all PGI members – ​not just premium – can respond to data requests)

  • GPs retain full control over what and how they share data: selecting ​the funds, PortCos, and metrics they would like to share

  • All shared data has been validated by analysts at BCG Expand to ​ensure consistency with the PGI Metrics Guidance

  • LPs can access portfolio dashboards and analytics on all shared data

  • Data is fully downloadable in a clean and easy to use template

250+ GPs are no​w part of the PG​I Dat​a Convergenc​e Initiativ​e​

The PGI’s mission is to drive convergence around meaningful ​environmental, social, and governance metrics for the private ​markets. It generates actionable, performance-based insights ​based on comparable PGI data from more than 4,000 private ​companies – with participating firms from all over the world ​and across all sectors.

The PGI allows GPs and their portfolio companies to ​benchmark their current position, streamline PGI data requests ​from LPs and Private Creditors, and generate progress toward ​PGI improvements.

  • Carlyle (Co-Chair)
  • ABC Impact
  • Accel-KKR
  • ACON Investments
  • Actis
  • Activate Capital
  • Adamantem Capital
  • Adelis Equity Partners
  • Advent Partners
  • AE Industrial Partners
  • AEA Investors LP
  • Affinity Equity Partners
  • Affirma Capital
  • Agathos
  • Aksìa Sgr
  • Alantra Private Equity
  • Aliment Capital
  • Allegro Funds
  • Altamont Capital Partners
  • Altor Equity Partners
  • Ambienta Sgr
  • American Industrial Partners
  • American Securities
  • Amulet Capital Partners
  • AnaCap
  • Ankur Capital
  • Antin Infrastructure Partners
  • Apheon
  • Apollo Global Management
  • Appian Capital Advisory LLP
  • Ara Partners
  • Arbor Investments Management, LLC
  • Archipelago Capital Partners
  • Ares Management
  • Argos Wityu
  • Arsenal Capital Partners
  • Axcel Management
  • Bain Capital
  • Bansk Group
  • Baring Private Equity Asia
  • Base10 Partners
  • BayPine Capital
  • BC Partners
  • Berkshire Partners
  • Birch Hill Equity Partners
  • Blackstone
  • Blue Earth Capital
  • Blue Horizon Corporation AG
  • Blue Wolf Capital Partners
  • Bluegem Capital Partners
  • Blume Equity
  • Bonaccord Capital Partners
  • Boscalt
  • Bregal Investments
  • Bridge Investment Group
  • Bridgepoint Group Plc
  • Butterfly Equity
  • Capital Mazapil
  • CapMan
  • Capvis
  • Castik Capital
  • CBC Group
  • Ceder Capital
  • Centerbridge Partners
  • CenterOak Partners
  • Centre Lane Partners
  • Centre Partners
  • Centurium Capital
  • Cerberus Capital Management
  • CGE Partners
  • Charlesbank Capital Partners
  • Charterhouse Capital Partners LLP
  • ChrysCapital
  • Cinven
  • Clayton, Dubilier & Rice
  • Clearlake Capital Group
  • Climate Investment
  • Cogenuity Partners
  • Columna Capital
  • Corsair Capital
  • Court Square Capital Management
  • Creador Sdn Bhd
  • Cresta Fund Management
  • Crestview Partners
  • CVC
  • Cycle Capital
  • DAA Capital Partners
  • Denham Sustainable Infrastructure
  • Development Partners International
  • Dextra Partners
  • Direct Capital
  • DPE Deutsche Private Equity
  • e2p
  • Egeria
  • EIG
  • Elvaston Capital Management GmbH
  • Elysian Capital
  • EMERAM Business Partners GmbH
  • EMH Partners
  • .EMK Capital
  • Endless LLP
  • Energize Capital
  • Energy Capital Group
  • Energy Impact Partners LP






The PGI has ​several value ​propositions for ​GPs

The PGI Data Convergence Initiative has a number of​ functions that are specifically tailored for GPs​

Streamlined Reporting

Simplify reporting processes, saving time and resources for both GPs and portfolio ​companies

Clarity on PGI Performance

Gain clear insights into PGI performance of portfolio companies relative to peers ​while pinpointing strengths and areas for PGI improvements

PGI data for LPs and Private Creditors

Manage and streamline transmission of PGI data requests from LPs and Private ​Creditors and share portfolio company data directly with LPs and PCs on the PGI ​platform

Informed Investments

Add an analytical lens for making well-informed decisions about future investments

Financial Correlation

Uncover the correlation between PGI efforts and financial performance, guiding ​strategic investment choices

What does it mean for General Partners to be ​part of this initiative?

To participate, GPs agree to:

  • Determine funds that will take part in the initiative (while we recognize GPs may start with a subset of their investment strategies, the expectation is ​this will increase over time, as feasible)
  • On a best-efforts basis, track PGI metrics, with an emphasis on mandatory metrics
  • Abide by the PGI Metrics Guidance to the extent possible and explain deviations
  • As requested, provide PGI data to LPs, preferably using the Data Submission Template
  • Submit anonymized data to the PGI for participating portfolio companies by April 30 each year
  • Be publicly associated with the initiative
  • Encourage LPs to align with the PGI
  • Voluntary: serve on working groups or self-nominate to join the Steering Committee

125+ LPs are now ​part of the PGI ​Data Convergence ​Initiative

The PGI’s mission is to drive convergence around meaningful ​environmental, social, and governance metrics for the private ​markets. It generates actionable, performance-based insights ​based on comparable PGI data from more than 4,000 private ​companies – with participating firms from all over the world ​and across all sectors.

The PGI allows LPs, GPs, and their portfolio companies to ​benchmark their current position, streamline PGI data ​requests, enable greater data sharing from GPs, and generate ​progress toward PGI improvements.

  • CPP Investments (Co-Chair)
  • Abrdn
  • Adams Street Partners
  • Aegon Investment Management B.V.
  • Afore Sura
  • AIMCo
  • AlpInvest Partners
  • AltamarCAM Partners
  • AP2
  • AP3
  • AP4 (Fjärde AP-fonden)
  • AP6
  • APG
  • Arcano Partners
  • Argentum Asset Management
  • AustralianSuper
  • Azalea Investment Management Pte. Ltd.
  • Bayerische Versorgungskammer (BVK)
  • Border to Coast Pensions Partnership
  • Bregal Private Equity Partners
  • British Columbia Investment Management Corporation (BCI)
  • Brunel Pension Partnership
  • CAAT Pension Plan
  • Caledonia Investments PLC
  • California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)
  • Cambridge Associates
  • Cambridge University Endowment Fund
  • Canada Post Pension Plan
  • Capital Innovations
  • CDPQ
  • CF Private Equity
  • Church Commissioners for England
  • Church of England Pensions Board
  • Citibanamex Afore
  • Columbia Threadneedle Investments
  • Cubera Private Equity
  • Curo Capital
  • Dai-Ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited
  • Desjardins Group Pension Plan
  • Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island
  • Enhanced Capital
  • Esses Capital Partners
  • Federated Hermes
  • Fondaco SGR
  • GCM Grosvenor
  • Glendower Capital
  • Golding Capital Partners
  • GroFin
  • Guy's and St. Thomas' Foundation
  • Hamilton Lane
  • HarbourVest Partners
  • Harvard Management Company
  • Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan
  • HRM Pension Plan
  • HSBC
  • IH International Advisors
  • Investment Management Corporation of Ontario (IMCO)
  • Jada
  • Japan Investment Corporation
  • Japan Post Bank
  • Japan Post Insurance
  • Jasper Ridge Partners
  • Kinneret Group
  • KLP
  • Lægernes Pension
  • Lars Larsen Group
  • LGPS Central Limited






The PGI has ​several value ​propositions for ​LPs

The PGI Data Convergence Initiative has a number of ​functions that are specifically tailored for LPs

Streamline Reporting

Simplify reporting processes by converging around the definition of key PGI metrics

Increased Transparency

Gain clear insight into PGI performance as it compares to a standardized ​benchmark

Improved PGI Goals

Drive and track progress towards future targets with robust trending data and YoY ​analysis

Increased Accountability from GPs

Enable data-driven decision making throughout the investment process

Better Engagement with GPs

Uncover the correlation between PGI efforts and financial performance, guiding ​strategic investment choices

Analysis of Financial Correlation

Creates an additional analytical lens to understand PGI’s correlation to financial ​performance, unlocking insights and value-creation opportunities

What does it mean for Limited Partners to be ​part of this initiative?

To participate, LPs agree to:

  • On a best efforts basis, where LP has relevant/ overlapping PGI data requests to GPs, align definitions with the PGI’s definitions
  • Encourage underlying GPs to align with this effort
  • On a best efforts basis, encourage additional industry efforts to drive PGI information/ data request convergence
  • Be publicly associated with the initiative
  • Voluntary: serve on working groups or self-nominate to join the Steering Committee

Training Program

Dumbell on Black Background

After the Covid-19 pandemic, Poseidon ​Global Investment (PGI) has undertaken a ​new plan for the review and restructuring of ​traders, while also witnessing the ​advantages brought by the online education ​system. Through the online education ​system, PGI can effectively deliver in-depth ​financial trading knowledge and identify ​new opportunities among registered ​students.

The current educational instructors are all ​outstanding traders within PGI, with ​extensive knowledge and educational ​backgrounds. In addition, PGI has rigorously ​reviewed and hired renowned instructors as ​contract-based financial education lecturers ​to provide more professional education ​services.

Current courses

American Flag Waving in Downtown Chicago, USA

Enrollment is ​temporarily ​suspended.

The English courses are ​temporarily closed for ​enrollment.

Spanish national flag against cityscape

Spanish courses ​are currently under ​preparation.

Enrollment is expected to ​open in 2025.

Taipei 101 Skyscraper in Taipei, TAIWAN.

Chinese courses are ​now open for ​enrollment.

Click this link to enroll in the course.


Why was the PGI Data Convergence Initiative created? Aren’t there already too many PGI frameworks and ratings providers? Is this just ​another framework?

The PGI Data Convergence Initiative is not a new framework. The two main objectives of this initiative are to 1) catalyze convergence toward ​consistent reporting on material PGI metrics, leveraging previously existing and thoughtful frameworks as a guide for determining which ​metrics to report on, and 2) create a collaborative mechanism to improve this process every year.

Many PGI reporting frameworks have emerged, each with various areas of focus or oriented toward specific stakeholder groups. However, ​there has historically been a lack of convergence on a core set of PGI metrics for private companies. Until the PGI Data Convergence Initiative ​launched, LPs, GPs, underlying portfolio companies, and other players in the private markets reported using different frameworks, resulting in a ​lack of usable data in any single set of PGI metrics across private companies.

Aligning on a core, standardized set of metrics and a mechanism for comparative reporting allows GPs and portfolio companies to benchmark ​their current position and generate progress toward PGI improvements, while also enabling greater transparency and more comparable ​portfolio information for LPs.

Who can participate? and what are the benefits of participation?

Membership is open to:

  • All GPs and LPs in the private equity industry
  • Investment managers with asset allocation responsibilities
  • Private Credit firms
  • Investment Consultants who advise PGI-members
  • Data platforms working with private equity GPs and LPs

Is there a cost for LPs or GPs to participate?

Participating Private Equity GPs and LPs are able to participate in the PGI free of charge, and in doing so access the high-quality benchmark ​offering available to participants since the inaugural year (i.e. 2022). Starting in the summer of 2024, there will be an option for these members ​to upgrade to become premium PGI members and access additional enhanced functionality, with the goal of helping to make the initiative self-​sustaining over time.

The fee to upgrade will vary by fund AUM (to ensure these functionalities are accessible to all funds, regardless of size) and has been carefully ​designed to target covering initiative-related costs (not generating profit).

Do we have to join ILPA to participate?

No, the PGI is open to any institutional investors that agree to support the principles of the work.

How does the PGI ensure data privacy and security?

Data security and privacy are of utmost importance to the PGI, as a leading professional services firm, BCG’s business model fundamentally ​depends on client trust and data security. BCG is utilizing best-in-class protocols to protect GP and portfolio company data with several layers ​of security, outlined in the sections below

How is the data protected when submitted and stored?

BCG Expand, a benchmarking platform for financial services companies and wholly-owned subsidiary of BCG, serves as the PGI data ​aggregator. BCG Expand has implemented measures to ensure data privacy and security, utilizing the same features and practices that BCG ​Expand puts in place for its benchmarking of other sensitive metrics for the broader financial services industry. The PGI data environment ​undergoes regular vulnerability scanning and periodic penetration testing, and BCG Expand complies with all applicable data protection laws ​and regulations.

Manual data submissions are made using a fully encrypted system (following 256-bit AES protocol), with strict technical and operational ​security processes in place to ensure high levels of data protection pertaining to data storage. As part of this secure system:

  1. BCG Expand ensures all data is encrypted both during transfer and at rest.
  2. The PGI data environment undergoes regular vulnerability scanning and periodic penetration testing.
  3. BCG Expand ensures compliance with all applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Members may also submit data through a participating PGI Data Platform with each platform completing a rigorous integration test before ​connecting to the PGI’s platform.

Who has access to GP data submissions?

Only a very small number of BCG Expand benchmarking specialists have access to a GP’s data submission (purely to conduct data validation ​checks with the GP). GP data submissions are not accessible to client-facing BCG team members. PGI GPs are the only entities with access to ​their data within the benchmark portal.

In addition, the PGI is currently piloting in-platform data sharing functionality for GPs, LPs, and Private Credit (PC) funds, based on ​recommendations from the PGI Functionality working group. The SteerCo has heard from many GPs that they continue to field numerous ​different Excel-based data requests from LPs and PC funds, while these frictions mean that LPs and PC funds aren’t always able to get access ​to PGI data for the funds / PortCos in which they are invested.

This new functionality would provide the option for GPs to share their PGI data directly with LPs and PCs securely and safely within the PGI ​portal. This functionality would be highly optional for all PGI members, with GPs fully in control of their data – including which elements get ​shared and with which firms, with the hope being that this helps address pain points for all members.

Can individual portfolio companies or specific individuals be identified in the benchmark?

While the benchmark allows for flexible and tailored data cuts, no individual portfolio companies (or individuals connected with the portfolio ​companies) will be able to be identified. No data is shown in the benchmark when the sample size drops below seven (as agreed upon with the ​Steering Committee) for any data cut.

Why do I need to sign a data privacy agreement to join the PGI?

Keeping access to the PGI benchmark within the community of PGI participants is a foundational principle of the PGI. This is designed to both ​protect participant data and incentivize Initiative uptake. As the legal entity responsible for creating and ensuring the quality of the benchmark, ​BCG is currently the owner and steward of the benchmark’s IP. This allows the PGI Steering Committee to ensure that only PGI participants can ​access the benchmark data and insights and that all participants who have access are complying with the terms and conditions. BCG’s role is ​one of a steward and supporting partner to the PGI Steering Committee, and will always follow Steering Committee guidance on the use of this ​intellectual property (with use clearly restricted to PGI participants).

How do GPs select which funds/strategies to include in the initiative? Do expectations differ for majority-owned companies versus non-​control investments within participating funds/strategies?

While the ultimate aspiration is for each GP to get to 100% coverage, and we encourage GPs to provide as much data as they can, this is at the ​discretion of each participating GP. If you are unable to collect all PGI metrics, we encourage you to join the PGI and submit as much data as ​you can collect. The PGI emphasizes “progress over perfection” as it pertains to data collection.

We acknowledge that it may be easier to collect and quality-control data from majority-owned companies. To this end, each GP reports based ​on a commitment to provide the highest quality data (on a “best efforts” basis). For example, many GPs have started with their largest funds ​and their majority-owned companies.

Do portfolio companies typically have data readily available for the selected metrics?

We hope that focusing on fewer initial metrics will allow any portfolio company to collect robust and quality data. However, we acknowledge ​that portfolio companies vary in their understanding of and ability to collect PGI metrics. For example, some companies do not know how to ​measure Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which are material but complex, while others already collect this data. Encouragingly, to date, across ~4,300 ​portfolio companies, the initiative saw metric submission rates of more than 80% for the majority of mandatory metrics.

Do portfolio companies typically have data readily available for the selected metrics?

We hope that focusing on fewer initial metrics will allow any portfolio company to collect robust and quality data. However, we acknowledge ​that portfolio companies vary in their understanding of and ability to collect PGI metrics. For example, some companies do not know how to ​measure Scope 1 and 2 emissions, which are material but complex, while others already collect this data. Encouragingly, to date, across ~4,300 ​portfolio companies, the initiative saw metric submission rates of more than 80% for the majority of mandatory metrics.

Why is Trader Training an independent website?

The main reason Trader Training is an independent website is to focus on providing professional trader training and to ensure that students ​receive the best learning experience on a dedicated platform. By operating as an independent website, Trader Training can:

  1. Focused Content: The website's content is entirely centered around trading training, offering professional, systematic, and highly targeted ​learning resources to ensure that students receive specific support and guidance.
  2. Clear Brand Positioning: An independent website helps establish a clear brand image, allowing it to be recognized by students and the ​industry as a specialized trading education platform without being confused with other business operations.
  3. Dedicated Features and Services: An independent website can design and develop specific features tailored to trader education, such as ​personalized learning paths, one-on-one guidance, and a simulated trading platform, providing students with better learning outcomes ​and experiences.
  4. Data Privacy and Security: An independent website allows for better management of student data and privacy, providing a secure learning ​environment that complies with relevant privacy and security regulations.

By establishing Trader Training as an independent website, the goal is to provide students who wish to improve their trading skills with a ​professional, focused, and efficient learning platform.

How can the quality of the education system's instructors be assessed?

The main reason Trader Training is an independent website is to focus on providing professional trader training and to ensure that students ​receive the best learning experience on a dedicated platform. By operating as an independent website, Trader Training can:

  1. Focused Content: The website's content is entirely centered around trading training, offering professional, systematic, and highly targeted ​learning resources to ensure that students receive specific support and guidance.
  2. Clear Brand Positioning: An independent website helps establish a clear brand image, allowing it to be recognized by students and the ​industry as a specialized trading education platform without being confused with other business operations.
  3. Dedicated Features and Services: An independent website can design and develop specific features tailored to trader education, such as ​personalized learning paths, one-on-one guidance, and a simulated trading platform, providing students with better learning outcomes ​and experiences.
  4. Data Privacy and Security: An independent website allows for better management of student data and privacy, providing a secure learning ​environment that complies with relevant privacy and security regulations.

By establishing Trader Training as an independent website, the goal is to provide students who wish to improve their trading skills with a ​professional, focused, and efficient learning platform.

How to evaluate the quality of the instructors in an education system?

All traders at PGI have successfully passed the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) certification, and their knowledge background has been reco​gnized by third-party institutions. One of the main reasons PGI established an education system is to develop potential traders.

In the past, ​PGI primarily relied on assessing traders' qualifications and using time to verify whether they could become competent traders. However, this​ approach inevitably increased internal management costs and challenges. By establishing an education system, PGI aims to identify pote​ntial qualified traders at an earlier stage and further promote their CFA qualification certification, thereby providing effective support to PG​I's General Partners (GPs) and Limited Partners (LPs).

PGI Data Convergence Initiative Privacy Policy

1. Who we are

This is the Privacy Policy for The Boston Consulting Group, Inc. and its affiliates (“BCG” or “we”). This privacy policy was last updated in January 2024. For more detail on BCG’s international operations please see ​.

2. Applicability of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies only to:

  • Your use of the PGI Data Convergence Initiative Website (“Site”) where you are provided with information about and a link to our interactive tool to help you simplify data sharing process for Environmental ​Social Governance (“PGI”) metrics, translating PGI to material impact, allowing you to benchmark against peers and make these metrics meaningful, while shaping how private equity ownership is evolving ​private company PGI performance.
  • You registering your interest via the Site to join the initiative and receive and participate in an industry benchmark on consolidated PGI metrics across over 4300 companies.
  • You signing up to receive notifications and newsletters about the initiative.

Please note that we do not collect any personal information as part of the PGI benchmarking exercise conducted for the Initiative.

3. Important information about this Privacy Policy

BCG understands that your privacy is important. BCG is committed to protecting your privacy and personal data you provide in relation to your access and use of the Site. This Privacy Policy (together with the ​Terms of Use, which you will also have been asked to agree to, and any additional terms of use incorporated by reference into the Terms of Use) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, ​or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. This Site is not intended for and does not intentionally target or solicit to children or anyone of 18 years of age and younger. Please read the following carefully to ​understand our practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it.

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Please note that BCG may, in its discretion, amend this privacy policy from time to time. To ensure you are able to remain informed about the information we collect and how we use it, material changes to our ​statement will be reflected here and we will notify you whenever we make a material change to this Privacy Policy. The Site may contain links to external sites or services which are not governed by this Privacy ​Policy. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any such sites before you submit information there.

5. The data we collect about you

When you register your interest for an account, we collect information from you, including the following personal data: name, company name, business email address, and commitment status. By your use of the ​Site, we may also collect, use, store, and transfer the following personal data about you: location data, IP address, geolocation, user activity (e.g. pages visited and how long stayed there.)

We also collect, use and share aggregated data such as statistical data for any purpose. Aggregated data could be derived from your personal data but is not considered personal data in law as this data will not ​directly or indirectly reveal your identity. For example, we may aggregate the data relating to details of your use of the Site to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific feature. However, if we do ever ​combine or connect aggregated data with your personal data so that it can directly or indirectly identify you, we treat the combined data as personal data which will be used in accordance with this Privacy ​Policy.

We do not collect any special categories of personal data about you (this includes details about your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union ​membership, information about your health, and genetic and biometric data). Nor do we collect any information about criminal convictions and offences.

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In order to use the Site, you will need to authenticate with the third-party provider Okta Inc. (301 Brannan St Ste 300, San Francisco, CA 94107) with your personal username and a personal password. To do this, ​download the Okta Verify app and perform the authentication process. The regulations and data protection declaration of Okta, Inc. apply. We have no influence on and are not responsible for the data collection ​by Okta Inc. Your data will be processed exclusively for the purpose of authentication. After successful authentication you will receive personal access to our app. Here you register once with your e-mail address.

7. How your personal data is collected

We may collect your data in different ways: based on your consent you provide by filling in forms on the Site for login; or by corresponding with us (for example, by email or chat). It includes information you enter ​when you register or when you report a problem with the Site. If you contact us, we will keep a record of that correspondence.

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  • sbjs_current_add
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  • sbjs_current
  • sbjs_first
  • sbjs_udata
  • sbjs_session
  • h3l4tf0osh9q2lb6g503f3ee7r-session
  • _engagebay_visitor_id

If you decline consent to these cookies, you may still use this site, but your ability to use some areas of our site, will be limited. For example, this site will not be able to personalize your experience.

8. Purpose for use of your personal data

We process your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Corresponding with you via email
  • Managing usage of the Site; providing you with support related to accessing and using the Site; monitoring logins and log-outs
  • Improving the Site content and navigation; informing you about updates to the Site
  • Understanding the user population; determining whether the Site is designed to work with the Device settings of a majority of users
  • Send marketing communications via emails, chat, social media from BCG based on your consent where required.

We will not sell, share, or rent or otherwise make available your personal information to other parties, except that we may disclose the information to third parties who perform services on our behalf and have a ​need to access the information in connection with those services. Any third parties will only process this information to the extent to which and within the limits that BCG itself is permitted to process that data.

9. How your personal data is used

Personal information is processed in the following ways and in accordance with applicable data privacy laws, the processing is based on the lawful bases as stated below.

In some situations, as listed above we may need to process your personal data for the legitimate interests pursued by us for following purposes, unless consent is required specifically under applicable data ​privacy laws.

Where you have consented on or before the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal data;

Where we are otherwise permitted to do so under applicable data privacy laws.

We process your personal information for the purposes described above: when we have your consent to do so, where applicable; when necessary to enter into a contract with you; when necessary for us to ​comply with a legal obligation; or when necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests as a company operating globally. You may withdraw your consent at any time by sending an email to ​ For users in Germany please email us at

10. Disclosure of personal data

The information you provide will naturally only be used for the purposes explained under this Privacy Policy and will not be disclosed to third parties. However, given the global nature of BCG, Personal data may ​be processed at various locations where BCG conducts business, including in the United States and other countries as well as to external service providers appointed by BCG or another BCG company to perform ​IT services, IT infrastructure, business, administrative, and management functions for BCG and cloud storage capabilities e.g. BCG maintains and stores personal information in systems and applications located ​in Europe and the United States, and the personal information is only accessible by authorized persons or vendors who are bound by privacy requirements. BCG appreciates the confidential nature of personal ​data and discloses it only as necessary for BCG’s valid business purposes or as required by law as described herein, although whenever possible to do so, information will be anonymized prior to its production.

We may also disclose your Personal Data to law enforcement agencies, courts, other government authorities or other third parties where we believe necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation. ​Further we may disclose your Personal Data to potential transaction partners, service providers, advisors, and other third parties in connection with the consideration, negotiation, or completion of a corporate ​transaction in which we are acquired by or merged with another company, or we sell or transfer all or a portion of our assets or business. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to ​obligate the entity to which we transfer your Personal Data to use it in a manner that is consistent with this Policy.

11. Choices regarding disclosures

BCG does not disclose your personal data for purposes not described herein or to unaffiliated third parties for commercial or marketing purposes. BCG allows individuals to “opt out” before commencing any ​such disclosure in the future.

12. Data retention

Personal data will only be kept as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected. We may retain your personal information for longer if they may be the subject of a legal claim, or ​may otherwise be relevant for future litigation.

In some circumstances we will anonymise and/or aggregate your personal data (so that it can no longer be associated with you) for research or statistical purposes, in which case we may use this information ​indefinitely without further notice to you.

13. Disclosure of personal data

The information you provide will naturally only be used for the purposes explained under this Privacy Policy and will not be disclosed to third parties. However, given the global nature of BCG, Personal data may ​be processed at various locations where BCG conducts business, including in the United States and other countries as well as to external service providers appointed by BCG or another BCG company to perform ​IT services, IT infrastructure, business, administrative, and management functions for BCG and cloud storage capabilities e.g. BCG maintains and stores personal information in systems and applications located ​in Europe and the United States, and the personal information is only accessible by authorized persons or vendors who are bound by privacy requirements. BCG appreciates the confidential nature of personal ​data and discloses it only as necessary for BCG’s valid business purposes or as required by law as described herein, although whenever possible to do so, information will be anonymized prior to its production.

We may also disclose your Personal Data to law enforcement agencies, courts, other government authorities or other third parties where we believe necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation. ​Further we may disclose your Personal Data to potential transaction partners, service providers, advisors, and other third parties in connection with the consideration, negotiation, or completion of a corporate ​transaction in which we are acquired by or merged with another company or we sell or transfer all or a portion of our assets or business. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to ​obligate the entity to which we transfer your Personal Data to use it in a manner that is consistent with this Policy.

14. Data security

BCG handles personal data in accordance with BCG procedures to protect the integrity and security of the personal data, including conducting periodic reviews of personal data quality, purging obsolete ​information, and imposing security measures such as industry-standard technical, physical and administrative safeguards. We have taken extensive technical and operational precautions to protect your data ​from accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, or access by unauthorized persons. Our security procedures are regularly reviewed and adapted to technological progress.

15. Your rights

In accordance with applicable data protection laws, including but not limited to the GDPR, have the right to access your personal data, you have a right to request a copy of the personal information we hold ​about you and details of how we use that information. If any of the information held about you is incorrect or out of date, you have the right to amend or rectify it. Please follow the process outlined below and we ​will amend our records where appropriate. You also have the right to require us to erase your personal data, stop processing your personal data, restricting the processing of your personal information, right of ​portability of your personal information, right of not be subject to automated decision making, including profiling and/or to withdraw your consent to processing. This may not apply if there are other legal ​justifications to continue processing.

If you think we may have incorrect personal information or would like a copy of the personal information we hold on you, or to exercise any other data protection right, please contact us on our point of contacts ​below. Please note that we need you to prove who you are before we can provide you with any information. You also have a right to lodge a complaint with your local supervisory authority.

15. Contact us

If you have further questions on the topic of data protection, please contact us. For questions regarding the processing of your personal data, regarding access, rectification, blocking/restriction of processing or ​erasure of data, data transferability, objection to data processing and revocation of given consents, please contact us via:

Data Protection Office

Boston Consulting Group Inc.

200 Pier Four Boulevard

Boston, MA 02210



As required by the California Privacy Laws, this Privacy Policy describes the categories of personal data collected, processed, and disclosed by BCG, the categories of sources for that data, and the business or ​commercial purposes for which that data is collected, processed, and disclosed.

If you are a California resident, please see the California Addendum.(


Data Protection Officer (Der Datenschutzbeauftragte)

Boston Consulting Group GmbH

Ludwigstrasse 21

80539 Munich Germany


Cookie Policy

1. Introduction

Our website, (hereinafter: "the website") uses cookies and other related technologies (for convenience all technologies are referred to as "cookies"). Cookies are also placed by third ​parties we have engaged. In the document below we inform you about the use of cookies on our website.

2. What are cookies?

A cookie is a small simple file that is sent along with pages of this website and stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer or another device. The information stored therein may be returned to our ​servers or to the servers of the relevant third parties during a subsequent visit.

3. What are scripts?

A script is a piece of program code that is used to make our website function properly and interactively. This code is executed on our server or on your device.

4. What is a web beacon?

A web beacon (or a pixel tag) is a small, invisible piece of text or image on a website that is used to monitor traffic on a website. In order to do this, various data about you is stored using web beacons.

5. Cookies

5.1 Technical or functional cookies

Some cookies ensure that certain parts of the website work properly and that your user preferences remain known. By placing functional cookies, we make it easier for you to visit our website. This way, you do ​not need to repeatedly enter the same information when visiting our website and, for example, the items remain in your shopping cart until you have paid. We may place these cookies without your consent.

5.2 Statistics cookies

We use statistics cookies to optimize the website experience for our users. With these statistics cookies we get insights in the usage of our website. We ask your permission to place statistics cookies.

5.3 Marketing/Tracking cookies

Marketing/Tracking cookies are cookies or any other form of local storage, used to create user profiles to display advertising or to track the user on this website or across several websites for similar marketing ​purposes.

6. Enabling/disabling and deleting cookies

You can use your internet browser to automatically or manually delete cookies. You can also specify that certain cookies may not be placed. Another option is to change the settings of your internet browser so ​that you receive a message each time a cookie is placed. For more information about these options, please refer to the instructions in the Help section of your browser.

Please note that our website may not work properly if all cookies are disabled. If you do delete the cookies in your browser, they will be placed again after your consent when you visit our website again.

7. Your rights with respect to personal data

You have the following rights with respect to your personal data:

You have the right to know why your personal data is needed, what will happen to it, and how long it will be retained for.

Right of access: You have the right to access your personal data that is known to us.

Right to rectification: you have the right to supplement, correct, have deleted or blocked your personal data whenever you wish.

If you give us your consent to process your data, you have the right to revoke that consent and to have your personal data deleted.

Right to transfer your data: you have the right to request all your personal data from the controller and transfer it in its entirety to another controller.

Right to object: you may object to the processing of your data. We comply with this, unless there are justified grounds for processing.

To exercise these rights, please contact us. Please refer to the contact details at the bottom of this Cookie Policy. If you have a complaint about how we handle your data, we would like to hear from you, but you ​also have the right to submit a complaint to the supervisory authority (the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)).

8. Contact details

For questions and/or comments about our Cookie Policy and this statement, please contact us by using the following contact details:

Expand PGI

Data Protection Office

200 Pier Four Boulevard

Boston, MA 02210


As required by the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), this Privacy Policy describes the categories of personal data collected, processed, and disclosed by BCG, the categories of sources for that data, and ​the business or commercial purposes for which that data is collected, processed, and disclosed.

California residents may exercise their privacy rights by calling us toll free at

1-866-I-OPT-OUT (1-866-467-8688) and entering service code 837# to leave us a message.


Data Protection Officer (Der Datenschutzbeauftragte)

Boston Consulting Group GmbH

Ludwigstrasse 21

80539 Munich Germany

United Kingdom



This Cookie Policy was synchronised with on August 31, 2022.

Copyright © BCG Expand 2024